The summer is in full bloom and we are blessed with great abundance! We planted lots of celery, fennel, onions, potatoes, peas, romaine and squash this year. We hoped to have enough saskatoons to offer a U-pick this year. However, the birds are picking them as they ripen and the crop is not looking promising. We had a bumper crop last year, the biggest and juiciest berries yet, so nature balances things out. We hope the birds are enjoying them!
It’s a good year for potatoes, and we have some delicious new potatoes. The healthy population of weeds makes harvesting potatoes a bit of a challenge, but so worth it. Does life get any better than eating new potatoes with butter and dill? The fennel is so good in salads and stir-fries. The summer squash is growing well and we should have some patty pan squash soon. They go well with fennel. The peas are delicious, but the birds think so too. They are having a good feast, if you’re curious here’s a picture that shows what birds do to pea pods.
The garlic is ready to harvest. We have some areas that are quite wet, with the summer as it has been so far, and we harvest there first. They are beautiful! Thank goodness for fresh garlic.
Happy Summer!