Making homemade stock for soups and stews is easy. It also allows you to customize the stock to enhance the flavour of your dish. Ready-made stock is widely available, as are stock cubes, these can be customized by adding a few flavourful vegetables. There are some small local businesses that specialize in making different kinds of stock. If you want to make it yourself, homemade stock is really easy to make and it can help use up food that may otherwise be thrown away.
- Save leftover bones and ends or peelings of vegetables like carrots, celery, onions, leek tops, squash skins and peppers in resealable bags in the freezer. Once you have enough put them in a pot and cover with water and cook for 1 hour.
- Save the skins of garlic, stems of parsley and celery leaves in resealable bags in the freezer. They’ll boost the flavour of homemade stock or ready-made stock.
- Adding dried mushrooms and bay leaves are an easy way to boost the flavour of any stock.
- Experiment with different flavours by adding parsnip and fennel bulbs, garlic scapes or any other flavourable vegetables and herbs.