The summer is in full bloom and we are blessed with great abundance! We planted lots of celery, fennel, onions, potatoes, peas, romaine and squash this year. We hoped to have enough saskatoons to offer a U-pick this year. However, the birds are picking them as they ripen and the crop is not looking promising. […]
Microgreen Growing Kits
‘Grow your own Greens’ Kits are available at the Sunrise Gardens stall at Old Strathcona Farmer’s Market. You can grow your own pea shoots, sunflower shoots or wheatgrass in 7 to 10 days! These kits include everything you need to grow microgreens at home, and we are happy to see an increase in customers excited […]
Radish: nutrient content of leaves and roots
Radishes are among the first spring vegetables, and can produce a harvest in 3 to 4 weeks from seeding. Radish (Raphanus sativus) is a cool season vegetable that has been cultivated in many parts of the world for centuries. Domestic radish is believed to have originated from wild relatives in both Europe and Asia, and […]
Spinach is a well-known and loved nutritious green. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a member of the Amaranthaceae family, the plant family that includes beet and chard. Spinach is believed to have originated in ancient Persia, after which it spread to China and other parts of Asia through trade. Spinach can be used raw or cooked, […]
Greenhouse Update
Our two greenhouses are at capacity and are full of activity, April 22 was the first week we brought fresh radishes to Old Strathcona Farmer’s Market. We have radishes, carrots and beets growing in one greenhouse. While our new greenhouse, cleverly called greenhouse #2, is growing a host of greens for our salad mix. […]
Mizuna (Brassica juncea v. japonica) is a leafy green vegetable that is a part of the notoriously nutritious Brassica family. Also known as water greens and kyona, it is a long-lasting, mild and slightly sweet tasting and delicious green that is an excellent substitute for lettuce. Mizuna has been used extensively in Japan since antiquity, […]