Try this easy rhubarb relish made with fresh, seasonal rhubarb. It’s delicious and good on just about anything, such as meat, tofu and curry. 9 cups rhubarb, cut in one centimeter slices 1 cup onion, chopped fine 2 cups sugar 1 tsp. salt ½ cup vinegar ½ tsp cinnamon ½ tsp ground ginger ½ tsp […]
Field Notes: June 12, 2014
Coming Out We’ve planted some beets in one of our raised beds, and it’s time to thin them out, so that the beets have more room to grow. So this week, in addition to the beet tops that you’ll always find in our mixed greens, we’ll also be bringing in small containers of baby beet […]
Rhubarb: A Love Story
Oddly enough, rhubarb played a part in our love story. Many years ago my ex, Jenn, and I had just moved into the house we bought together in Edmonton. At the back of the yard, near the fence, I had seen these strange red things growing out of the ground. To me, they looked like […]
Field Notes: May 29, 2014
Coming Out The asparagus surprised us last week, and we were able to bring some bunches to both the Old Strathcona and Onoway markets. I had been out to the patch on the Friday to take a look, and they were just a few centimeters long, so I was astounded when I walked back out […]